Short Cut
Jay took another swig from his cigarette. Quite oblivious of the “No Smoking” board beneath which he was sitting. Being the single soul present there at that unholy hour, there wasn't anyone who was complaining, and even if some one did bother Jay did not give it a damn anyways. He was fully drenched, and every swig he took added to some warmth to his body as the hot smoke filled his lungs and were exhaled through his nostrils. The white shirt, clung on to his well chiseled upper torso. His black striped tie was loosely dangling from his shirt collar. He was firmly perched on the wooden bench outside the general ward of the hospital. Here he needn't bear the brunt of the terrible weather. And all he needed is some place where he could be all by himself. Water was dripping from all over his body. He was now shivering as the wind blew as if to torment him more. Jay looked at his watch adorned wrist, it seemed to him as time wasn’t moving at all. He tried not to, but still his min...