
Showing posts from January, 2009


A Very Happy New Year… I know its already 13 days down, but as they say better late than never, so here am finally penning down a post as well as wishing all the readers and the people in general a very successful, healthy, joyful, love-filled year ahead. There were so many things to write about, in the last few months, but laziness ruled the roost as I ended up postponing and never came up with anything. New Year comes with lot of partying, celebrations, booze, and of course the most fragile thing in this world “New Year Resolutions”. They say the best way to ensure that you keep your resolutions is that you discuss it with the people around you so that you feel ashamed that you haven’t kept your word. Well, there are so many thick skinned people in this world and if people can’t break the promises they make to themselves, then the world would not be such a imperfect and happening place to live in. Anyways I haven’t really made any resolutions as such for the sake of the new year, but...